Paperless order picking software

Revolutionize order picking in your logistics process with etiscan

Experience forward-thinking software that seamlessly integrates with your existing ERP system, including Microsoft BC/NAV, SAP, Sage and more. We enable you to move from traditional document-based order picking to a digital, paperless solution that not only conserves resources, but also significantly improves error rates.
Time-consuming, error-prone and non-transparent

Inefficient by Design: The Hidden Costs of Pick-by-Paper order picking

Paper as a time eater in your supply chain

Manually printing, sorting and reconciling pick lists can be very time consuming, affecting efficiency and causing delivery delays.

Errors due to hectic and carelessness

Under time pressure or lack of attention, "document-based order picking" can lead to picking, assignment or omission errors.

Data transmission - a logistics brake

After goods removal, manual data entry - such as recording checked-off, untraceable or damaged goods - is the next bottleneck in the logistics process.
„One employee had noticed via his smartwatch that he had to walk around 10,000 fewer steps a day due to the new scanner technology, because the order picking process had been improved.“
Advantages of paperless order picking

Quality and efficiency in incoming goods: With our scanner software you save time, paper and gain reliability

Error prevention during order picking
Automatic verification and reconciliation of scanned items with inventory data minimizes manual errors such as miscounts or misallocations.
Productivity increase and relief 
Your employees no longer need to print out lists and manually transfer data to your ERP system. With our software, everything is done conveniently and automatically on the mobile scanner.
A scalable picking process
Our voucherless software solution is expandable at any time and can therefore be easily adapted to your growing business needs.
More transparency, sustainability and lower costs
Real-time transmission of captured data enables accurate and up-to-date inventory management and reduces response time to inventory discrepancies.
Handscanner für Lager-Kommissionierung
Integration with your ERP system

Optimize your order picking with the integration of our software solution into your ERP system

Our picking module can be flexibly adapted to the individual challenges of your picking processes and quickly integrated. With Microsoft BC/NAV, SAP and Sage we cover a wide range of ERP systems. If you use a different ERP system, we can also create the integration to suit your system. With etiscan, you are ideally positioned for paperless and reliable order picking.
Microsoft BC/NAV
Sage Wincarat, X3, b7

Fast implementation and integration into your ERP system - from concept to operational solution in just a few weeks.

digitale kommissionierung liste

Selection of one or more picking documents

The goods issue module is used to process picks that can originate from different areas and different source documents such as sales orders, stock transfer orders, production or assembly orders. The respective document is selected by the employee on the mobile device, whereby etiscan can also offer the option of selecting several documents, which are then picked together in one run. 

Detailed picking document with optimized routes

Once the selected document has been loaded on the mobile device, the items to be picked are displayed, which can also be optimized with regard to the required route. In the extended view on the device, any item images can also be displayed to make them even easier for employees to recognize visually. The items can be processed by scan or touch, and if the items to be picked require batch or serial numbers, this necessary information is also recorded.
papierlose kommissionierung position erfassen
digitale kommissionierung buchen

Clear order picking with colored markings 

Items that have already been entered in the picking list are highlighted in color in the overview and can also be hidden in the list display in order to show the employee the open and current workload of the picking called up. At the end, the items to be posted are confirmed on the mobile device. 
Advantages of Etiscan

In addition to the advantages of paperless order picking, our scanner software offers you many more benefits

Etiscan mobile Datenerfassungsgeräte

Maximum flexibility in the selection of your hardware

Our software can be used on a wide variety of handhelds. As part of our consulting service, we support you in selecting suitable hardware for your area of application.
For industrial scanners, tablet, smartphone, wearables and desktop
Runs on iOS, Android and Windows
Connection of printers, scales, paternoster, etc.
Yes, as a premium partner of the market leaders ZEBRA, Honeywell and other manufacturers, we can offer you test devices and a large hardware selection in an all-round carefree package on request.

Easy handling and intuitive operation of the handhelds

A user-friendly interface is elementary for the quick familiarization of your employees and the effectiveness of the optimization in order to actually use the diverse functions.
Capture barcodes, RFID, QR code and text via OCR
Multilingual user interface available
On-/offline capability through WLAN, batch and WWAN
Your employees will be instructed in the use of the devices by us directly on site. Due to the very simple operation and intuitive user interface, this instruction often takes no longer than one hour.
Erfassungsgerät einfache Bedienung

Scalable solution for all intralogistics processes

Whether no logistics or large logistics - we cover your entire logistics applications from goods receipt to shipping in our mobile app. You decide the scope - according to your requirements and needs.
Over 30 standardized modules available
Modular design enables expansion at any time
Development of individual applications possible
Yes! Talk to us about it!
Short project runtimes

Rapid implementation of your SAP system integration - from concept to operational solution in just a few weeks


Offer and planning

After our free online workshop you will receive an individual offer. Subsequently, the specifications are created and coordinated with you.

Solution implementation

Your desired software modules are adapted to your needs and the handhelds are set up for an initial functional test.

Accompaniment in live operation

After training your employees and completing the test phase, we will accompany you into live operation with our reliable service and support.
Usually Etiscan standard modules can be installed within 2-4 weeks for a first test or even a go live, if the ordered solution is 100% compliant with the standard. For customized solutions, project lead times are approximately 12-14 weeks.

Just request a live demo now

Discover how you can achieve your intralogistics goals with our software. Find out from our experts how you can digitalise and optimise your digitize and optimize your processes from goods receipt .
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    Our partners for short project durations

    We work together with established system houses during integration

    If you work with system houses, so do we! We bring our know-how to your projects and optimize your logistics processes together with your ERP partner.
    Partner D&G
    Sage Tech Partner
    MODUS Consult
    Lederer IT
    Konica Minolta
    Kisling Consulting
    More about Etiscan

    Digitize your logistics processes together with us

    For over 27 years we have been experts in the digitization of warehouse and intralogistics processes. From our headquarters in the Rhine-Main area, we serve well-known customers from a wide range of industries and sizes.

    Our comprehensive solutions are successfully deployed in over 20 countries and enable your warehouse, manufacturing and assembly employees to perform mobile data collection using our customized solution.

    Together, we analyze your processes and optimize the workflow. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on user-friendliness and efficiency.

    As a comprehensive solution provider, we not only support you in software development and implementation, but also supply the corresponding hardware. In addition, we offer comprehensive services and accompany you as a reliable partner even after implementation.

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